Frequently Asked Questions


What is a fleet management application?

A vehicle fleet management application is software that helps companies to control and manage their vehicle fleet effectively. To do this, it offers resources such as vehicle registration and all related information, such as expenditure, maintenance, journeys made, accidents, consumption, etc.

Using the data entered, the application can generate results, in the form of graphical reports or lists, which allow the company’s management, among other things, to identify where the fleet’s highest costs lie. With this information, the company can make better decisions to improve its profitability.

How can a fleet management application help my small or medium-sized business?

This type of application enables effective control of all the vehicles in the fleet, optimising the use of resources, reducing operating costs and therefore increasing the company’s overall productivity. In addition, a fleet management application provides a clear, real-time view of all vehicle-related operations, making it easier to take strategic decisions.

How do I choose the best fleet management application for my business?

When choosing a fleet management application, it’s important to consider your specific needs. Factors to consider include the size of the fleet, the functionality required, the budget available, the scalability of the system and the reputation of the supplier. It is advisable to carry out detailed research, compare the different options, read user feedback and, if possible, request demonstrations or trial periods to evaluate the application before making a final decision.

When choosing a fleet management application, you should also consider the following points:

  • Features offered;
  • Ease of use;
  • Intuitive interface;
  • Customer support;
  • Availability of updates and improvements;
  • Price and subscription plans to suit your fleet size and business needs.

How can a fleet management application help reduce costs?

A fleet management application is a valuable tool for reducing operational costs and improving the efficiency of fleet administration.

The application is designed to monitor and track drivers and vehicles in order to identify fuel consumption patterns and waste.

Managing fines is also a key element in reducing costs. The application can alert you to traffic fines, enabling you to react quickly and avoid a backlog of offences that could lead to additional costs.

Accurate data on vehicle usage makes it possible to identify under-used or unused vehicles. By optimising fleet utilisation, the company can consider selling or reallocating unnecessary vehicles, thereby reducing maintenance, insurance and tax costs.

The application can help you keep track of vehicle maintenance intervals, alerting you to the need for regular checks and preventive repairs. Proactive maintenance can prevent serious and costly mechanical problems, extend vehicle life and reduce repair costs.

Thanks to better fleet management, resources are used more efficiently, resulting in an overall increase in the company’s productivity.


Is FleetMax suitable for small and medium-sized businesses?

Yes. FleetMax has been developed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses, with key industry features such as vehicle tracking, maintenance control, fuel management, performance reporting, driver tracking, expense control and more.

In addition to the functionalities, Fleetmax has also thought about small and medium-sized businesses so that their teams can easily adopt the software. We have therefore developed software that is user-friendly, quick to learn and very intuitive.

FleetMax has a variable cost commensurate with the features offered and can be upgraded to meet your company’s needs as it grows.

Can I link FleetMax to other systems in my company?

Yes, FleetMax allows you to export reports in Excel format that can be used, for instance, in accounting systems or any other system in your company. Other types of integration are available on request.

With FleetMax can I track the location of the vehicles in my fleet?

Yes, with Fleetmax you can locate your vehicles in real time as well as receive alerts and various types of important information.

Is FleetMax safe?

Yes, FleetMax is designed with security measures to protect the data and information of vehicles, the company and its users. FleetMax has enhanced digital security, data protection and backups.

Is FleetMax a user-friendly application?

Yes, FleeMax is an application developed with a user-friendly interface, meaning it is intuitive and easy to use. FleetMax manages to combine simplicity and functionality.

Does FleetMax have a mobile application?

Yes, FleetMax has a mobile application that complements the web version and allows users to carry out the main fleet management tasks. The web version of FleetMax has been developed in a responsive way, which means it can be easily adapted to mobile devices.

What are the technical requirements for using FleetMax?

The only technical requirements for using FleetMax are an internet connection and compatible devices, such as smartphones, tablets (iOS or Android) or computers. As FleetMax is a website, it is available via any browser, with no installation required.

Does FleetMax need to be installed?

No. The web version of FleetMax will always be available online and works in all browsers, so there is no need to install it.

If you want to use the mobile version of FleetMax, you can download and install it from the PlayStore for Android devices, or the AppStore for iOS devices.

Can I adapt FleetMax to my company's needs?

Yes, FleetMax can be customised to meet your company’s specific needs. This means that FleetMax allows, for example, the creation of custom fields for vehicles, the creation of access rules to pages, configuration of car makes and models, configuration of suppliers, customisation of alerts, among other features.

What help do I have in implementing and using FleetMax in my company?

FleetMax is easy to implement and use. It is very simple and intuitive. However, if you need to, you can look at these FAQs for answers to your questions. You can also consult the videos and tutorials (coming soon).

If you really need our help, do not hesitate to contact our customer support by sending a message via email or WhatsApp.

How can I implement FleetMax in my company?

To implement FleetMax in your company, please follow these steps:

  • Register on the FleetMax website and sign up for the package that best meets your company’s needs.
  • Configure and customise FleetMax with data from your fleet and your drivers.
  • Support your drivers to ensure a smooth transition and maximum use of the application. 

Does FleetMax receive updates?

It is possible that FleetMax will receive updates from time to time, be they fixes, improvements or new features. But don’t worry, these updates will not cause any kind of embarrassment or hindrance to users.


How does the free version of FleetMax work?

To contract the Fleetmax GPS service, or add it to an existing account, you must send a quote request through the “Contacts” page, indicating the number of vehicles you wish to equip with this service. You will subsequently receive contact from the Fleetmax sales team with a proposal suited to your needs.

How does the Fleetmax GPS system work?

The Fleetmax GPS service works through a GPS tracker installed in the vehicle. This device has a built-in SIM card that sends vehicle data in real time.

In which vehicles does Fleetmax GPS work?

The Fleetmax tracking device works on all types of battery-powered vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles, trucks, vans, tractors, construction machines, etc…
A GPS locator can also be installed on trailers and other types of equipment.

What devices are used in the Fleetmax GPS and which one should I choose?

Two types of devices can be used in the Fleetmax GPS service. One for self-installation on the vehicle’s battery and the other connected to the vehicle’s control unit, which must be installed by a professional. Depending on the number of vehicles in your fleet and desired features, we will advise the best device for you.

Who installs the Fleetmax GPS tracking device in my vehicle?

Given the simplicity of the process, the installation of self-installation trackers can be carried out by anyone. Can-bus devices must be installed by a professional who will be responsible for the customer.

What happens to the GPS tracking device installed in the car when the Fleetmax subscription ends?

The Fleetmax GPS tracking device is purchased by the customer when subscribing to the service, therefore the device belongs to the customer. At the end of the service subscription, the customer keeps the device and decides what to do with it.

In the event of an accident or replacement of a vehicle with Fleetmax GPS installed, what happens?

The Fleetmax GPS tracking device can be changed vehicles whenever necessary, simply needing to be associated with the new vehicle in the Fleetmax backoffice.

Does Fleetmax work in all countries?

Fleetmax’s GPS service works in all European countries.

What type of alerts can we configure on the Fleetmax GPS?

In Fleetmax’s GPS service, alerts for vehicle entry and exit from a specific geographic area and speeding alerts can be configured.

Does the Fleetmax GPS work in places where there is no mobile network?

Não. O serviço de GPS apenas funciona em locais com acesso a rede móvel.

Should I warn my drivers that vehicles are geolocated?

Yes. As an employer, you must inform workers, through a written document, about the presence of geolocation devices in the equipment provided to carry out their professional functions, including the rules for using them.

Can I migrate GPS data from my old software?

No. It is not possible to import GPS data from other software into Fleetmax.

How long do I have access to the GPS data collected by Fleetmax?

The data collected by the Fleetmax GPS will be kept for 6 months.


How does the free version of FleetMax work?

The free version of FleetMax is available with no obligation. Compared with the paid versions, it has only a few limitations in terms of features and the number of cars and drivers that each company can register. All these limitations are specified in the Plans.

You don’t need to link a credit or debit card to create a free account and you have guaranteed access to customer support.

Can I change the type of plan I signed up to?

No. You can only change plan when the active plan expires.
If you wish to upgrade your account before the end of your previous subscription, you can contact the helpdesk and request a personalised upgrade.

Can I cancel the plan I subscribed to?

No. You can delete your account and all your FleetMax data, but no refund will be issued.

Which payment methods are accepted to use FleetMax?

Payments for the use of FleetMax will always be made through this website, in the Plans, and require the association of a debit or credit card.


How do I register new vehicles in FleetMax?

Vehicles can be registered from the web version of FleetMax, manually in the relevant menu, or by importing an Excel file.

Don’t forget to enter as much information as possible, which will give you a more detailed record of the whole fleet.

Is it possible to track vehicle maintenance history?

Yes, the application allows the maintenance history of each vehicle to be recorded. The user must enter all the types of servicing carried out on the vehicles, as well as all the information and details relating to each servicing, such as servicing dates, the type of servicing carried out, the parts replaced and even the documents attached. This makes it possible to track the evolution of vehicle maintenance over time.

Can I receive alerts when vehicles need maintenance?

Yes. The user can schedule future maintenance and programme a reminder at a certain time in advance. This reminder can be scheduled by date, or by vehicle kilometres. On the scheduled day or when the vehicle exceeds the set kilometres, FleetMax will send an alert to remind the user of the scheduled maintenance.

Can I monitor the vehicles' fuel consumption?

FleetMax lets you record the refuelling of each vehicle. This means you can track fuel consumption over time and get an overall picture of each vehicle’s efficiency.

Can I generate reports on fleet use?

Yes, FleetMax allows you to generate reports on fleet usage. Reports on expenditure or contracts for each vehicle can be generated in Excel format. This allows you to use the data flexibly or integrate it with other systems.

Can I configure the reports exported by FleetMax?

No. For the moment, all reports have a predefined template that cannot be modified.

Can I assign specific drivers to each vehicle in the application?

Yes, FleetMax allows the user to associate a regular driver with each vehicle, as well as reserving a vehicle for a certain range of dates.

Is it possible to control fleet-related expenditure?

Yes, the application allows users to record fleet-related expenses, such as maintenance, repairs or fuel, so that they can monitor and control the costs associated with vehicle use.

How can I check the availability of a specific vehicle?

Using the application, you can check the availability of a specific vehicle, find out if it is assigned to a driver or if it is available for booking on the desired dates. This will help you to plan the use of vehicles according to the needs of the company and the availability of the fleet.

Can I import information from another application or an Excel file into FleetMax?

Yes, it is possible to import vehicles and expenses from the Total service station into FleetMax via an Excel file.

Can I control user access to sensitive information in FleetMax?

Yes, FleetMax gives your company total control over the actions of its users. It has a permissions system that allows you to configure which users can see certain information and what actions they can perform with that information.